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Heal the Wounds of Your Soul

Are you carrying emotional pain, wounds, and hurts in your heart? Do you struggle with unforgiveness, bitterness, or past traumatic experiences? Are you struggling with rejection, abandonment, or fear? Then you have a SOUL WOUND!

Many people are doing their best to live a fulfilling life, but there seems to be a barrier that blocks their success. They struggle with particular behaviors, attitudes, and actions that contaminate their obedience and undermine their relationships. Despite a real commitment to the plan of God, they keep stumbling. This can be the fruit of a wounded soul.

A soul wound is an emotional hurt that has not been addressed. It is a part of the mind that is infected and desperately needs healing. In the hands of the enemy, a soul wound, even one inflicted long ago, can easily be used as a current tool to perpetuate an ongoing spiritual attack.

This has been of the major hinderances preventing many from gaining access to the mysteries, secrets and blueprints of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Thankfully, God has already made provision. Let me help you step into total liberty with the Help of the Holy Spirit as we embark on your journey to wholeness. My program is designed to:

  • Eradicate insecurity, depression, fear, procrastination, addictions, anxiety, anger, materialism, racism, and corruption in your life that has been holding you back from enjoying fulfilling relationships, happy marriages and supportive friendships.
  • Keep you free of emotional wounds and spiritual hindrances so you can close the doors And SO much more!

Book a session today and let’s get started.

Health Coaching

Do you have a physical illness that you would like to experience God’s natural solution for health and healing regarding eliminating disease, illness and afflictions?  There are times when man’s prescription for better health comes with prescriptions, remedies and solutions that may do more harm than good.  The Word of God clearly states that “By His stripes, we are healed.”  There is a solution and The Father wants you to have it.

As a clinician for over 25 years, I am not only trained, but gifted in the area of healing.  

Allergies.  Headaches. Diabetes.  Heart Disease.  Many of these maladies and others have a spiritual component.  Allow me the privilege of ushering you into a healthier place body, soul and spirit.

Navigate the Transitions of Life Successfully

Are you still wondering what happened to those resolutions?  What about those 1, 5, and 10-year plans that you made decades ago? Do you find yourself in a transition and you don’t know how to maneuver your way successfully?  There are sometimes “invisible” hindrances and blockages that keep us from moving forward and falling back into procrastination.  They can be easily identifiable but seemingly stubborn to remove if you don’t understand the process and skills by which you can “unlock” your life and begin to “check” all those unfulfilled projects of your “bucket” list.

Let me help you remove the roadblocks hindering you so you can embrace the “next phase” of your destiny; through my life transition coaching strategies. 

This is your time to get unstuck from bad decisions, toxic relationships, and your own fear of uncertainty, and of the unknown.  There is a wonderful world awaiting.



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